6th, 2005
Grave Sights Hearse
Club's 5th Annual Hearse "Meat" 2005
Jim & Lisa, Rick & Sue, and Troy headed down
the backroads to this fun "meat"!
Troy with his 1947 Rolls Royce Silver Wraith,
Jim & Lisa with their 1969 Oldsmobile
Cotner-Bevington and
Rick & Sue with their 1986 Pontiac Eureka
Jim and Kathy joined them in at the show with his
1979 Oldsmobile B & B.
All I can say is what a AWESOME TIME!
It was great to renew old friendships, make new ones
and see all the terrific coaches!
Las Ryds once again represented themselves well and
won the following awards:
Sue and Rick: Best Real Casket
Jim and Lisa: Best Custom Interior
Troy: Best of Show and Oldest
Congratulations to ALL!
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