John C. Ciarlette

Full-time Paramedic

Born in Joliet, IL

In EMS since 1986

Married to Dawn with one son Noah

Education: Plainfield High School Class of '85, Will/Grundy EMS Paramedic Education Class of '88

Proudest Achievements: Having and raising a well-behaved, intelligent son

Hobbies: Collector of all things related to Star Wars

Personal Heroes: Mom & Dad and the late Father Donald Benzing

Movies: The Star Wars Trilogy (original and special edition) & The Phantom Menace
Actor: Harrison Ford
 Movie Character: Darth Vader
Music: The Beatles & Ozzy Osbourne
Songs: Crazy Train & Yesterday
Foods: Salami sandwiches & Tombstone sausage pizza
TV Show: The Simpsons

I drive a 1990 Ford F-250 4x4

Last Good Book I Read: Various Star Wars novels

If not in EMS, I would be either a Meteorologist or a Teacher of American History

The Thing I Do Better Than Anyone Else: Judging a persons character

Three Words That Describe Me: Honest, Fair, and Responsible

E-mail: [email protected]