Rhonda Callans

Born At St. Joseph Hospital, Joliet, Illinois

Education: Joliet Township High School-West Campus, Joliet Junior College, Will-Grundy EMS System-EMT-I & P courses, & various continuing education and management courses.

Paramedic & EMS Instructor

In EMS since 1985, with Plainfield since 1994

Married to Mike with daughters Alyssa and Paige

Proudest Achievements: EMS Lead Instructor, ACLS Instructor, & CPR Instructor I love teaching and being able to make a difference in peoples lives.

Hobbies: Reading (mostly EMS stuff), Bargain Shopping, & Watching ER

Favorite Foods: Seafood

I Drive A 2000 Dodge Caravan

The Last Good Book I Read: Angels of Emergency - so far it's pretty good

If Not In EMS, I Would Be An ER Nurse

The Thing I Do Better Than Anyone Else: I Try To Excel At Everything I Do, But Don't Claim To Be Perfect.

Three Words That Describe Me: Honest, Hard-working, & Outgoing

Personal Quote: "Don't lip lock anyone who doesn't have the same last name as you" Told to CPR students when stressing the importance of using personal protective equipment.

Favorite Website: www.amazon.com

[email protected]